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Celexa And Bipolar Disorder

Celexa and Bipolar Disorder

Bipolar disorder, or manic depression, is a mental illness that manifests itself as mood swings or mood cycling between depressed, manic, or normal moods. Able are two types of bipolar disorder. The anterior type, sometimes called raging bipolar, manifests itself as almost constant mild mania, with periods of sever mania alternating with depression. Motley episodes where the patient displays both manic and depressive symptoms at the identical spell burden also occur with this type of bipolar disorder.

The second type, sometimes called rapid cycling bipolar, manifests itself as halfway constant depression, with alternating periods of mania and severe depression that can often last a few hours or a few days before cycling to the next episode.

Depression symptoms include oversleeping, extreme sadness, feelings of worthlessness or despair, tiff, anger, and withdrawl. Manic symptoms include sleeplessness, increased energy levels, distractibility, racing thoughts, obsessive behaviors, and extreme happiness.

Masterly are many treatment options for bipolar disorder. Most patients with bipolar disorder require a combination of medication and therapy or counseling for successful treatment of symptoms. However, minor cases of bipolar disorder may not require medication, but may require instead cognitive behavioral therapy. There are some cases, such as in patients with a history of drug abuse, where medication may be recommended but is not a viable treatment option. These cases typically also use cognitive behavioral therapy to assist patients in coping with their illness.

Celexa is an anti - depressant, commonly used with bipolar patients. Celexa, or citalopram, is a serotonin reuptake inhibitor, or SSRI. This family of medications has the effect of balancing serotonin levels in the brain, which are apprehending to be responsible for mood stabilization.

Celexa is most successful as a treatment for unipolar depression and bipolar disorder type two patients. This is because it is an anti - depressant. Serotonin, the chemical in the bent that balances moods and particularly controls strong emotions, often presents imbalances in the form of depression. Celexa corrects these imbalances, giving the patient relief from depression.

Celexa is most successful as a treatment for bipolar disorder type unaccompanied patients when used in combination with a mood stabilizer. As an disavowing - depressant, Celexa alone causes bipolar disorder type one patients to swing into a manic episode. Used in combination with a mood stabilizer or anti - psychotic, however, can allow for a tally of moods to take place, ending rapid or raging mood cycling.

Celexa has several possible lower side effects when used for treatment of bipolar disorder. Common side effects include drowsiness, cotton mouth, nausea, and trouble sleeping. Less common side effects include abdominal pain, anxiety, gas, headache, heartburn, increased sweating, pain in muscles or joints, increases or decreases in weight, weakness, and vomiting. If these lump effects persist or become unbearable, you should contact your doctor.

Celexa albatross also have several possible major side effects when used for treatment of bipolar disorder. Common major side effects include a decrease in sexual desire or ability. Less common major side effects include agitation, illusion, blurred perception, fever, increase in urinal frequency, lack of emotion, decreased dead-eye, skin rashes, and trouble breathing. If you experience any of these item effects you should contact your doctor immediately.

Friends, family and patients with bipolar disorder should keep in mind that even when using anti - depressants twin as Celexa, suicide, suicide threats, and suicide attempts subjection still occur. Always be aware of the signs that can lead to suicide so that medical treatment can be form before an attempt is make-believe.

Bipolar disorder should, in all cases, be treated with a congregation of Celexa, or other medications, in conjunction with therapy or counseling. Bipolar disorder patients are encouraged to take active part in their treatment plans. Additionally bipolar patients should not attempt to self medicate or treat symptoms with medication alone. If you show symptoms of bipolar disorder, you should contact your doctor about Celexa and other treatment options.


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